Peggy DeMers

“We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges.”

Peggy DeMers has been showing in agility, obedience, rally, conformation and herding for over 20 years. She has trained her dogs through multiple High in Trial wins from the novice classes, agility champions (MaCH and Bronze ADCH), and group 1-4 placements and Grand Champions in conformation. She was shown Shetland sheepdogs, American Eskimo, Keeshonds, Cane Corsos, Belgium Shepherds, Pembroke corgis, Collies, Dobermans, Pomeranians, Papillons, English Springer Spaniels, Australian cattle dogs, Belgium Tervuren, Old English Sheepdogs, Vizslas, Bernese Mountain dogs and Newfoundlands.
Peggy’s career as a professional musician/educator with international performances throughout USA and Europe have shaped her ability to be a successful dog trainer and competitor in dog sports. Her unique ability to analyze and problem solve have given her dogs great success and a love to compete in all sports.