Amanda Darnell

Amanda has had dogs her entire life. She grew up with Rottweilers and then beagle mixes. She has always loved teaching them and grew up teaching all her dogs as many tricks as possible. Dog training in itself came very natural to Amanda in her everyday life.
In 2018 she lost her girl of 15 years. When her family was ready for a new dog, they went to the SPCA and Lou and Amanda bonded immediately and have been inseparable ever since. Amanda and Lou started their agility journey in 2019. They have earned numerous titles in Agility as well as many placements in the classes they are in. They are currently running in the Excellent class with the goal of getting into Masters soon.
Lou also has his novice, intermediate and advanced trick dog titles! Amanda and Lou also compete frequently in Nosework. Throughout trialing in Nosework, Lou has earned his novice element titles and his overall novice title. At Lou's very first Scent work trial, he earned High In Trial, the highest level of achievement and award given at the event.
Amanda and Lou have accomplished a lot, and are constantly working towards more goals in agility and Nosework.